Dear friend(s)! You can make a world of difference! True? Definitely those who already support the work we are doing among children in Nairobi, have made a world of difference for the children they support. Each year new children are accepted into the program, so that even more children will have their world changed – with your help. We – the staff, the children of Maisha Mema, Marianne and Jonny – want to express our gratitude to you for supporting us in this. Hearty thanks! 🙂
If you want to sponsor a child, please first check out the page Get involved and then come back to this page!
You have read the Get Involved!-page? 🙂 Then please read the following information, and fill in the scheme below. In the comment section, you can state whether you want to sponsor a girl or a boy, and also state approximate age of the child you want to sponsor. We will try to meet your request as far as we can, but will have to choose from the ones that are available. Please also state which amount you pledge every month. And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write to us!

Donation / sponsorship to help Maisha Mema Child Sponsorship Program making a Better Life for children in Kenya:
Thank you for entrusting us with the task of making a Maisha Mema (Better Life) for children in Kenya! We want to ensure you that everything you give will reach the children. Let us mention a few points for your security:
- Maisha Mema does not have administrative costs as such. All the accounts are done by Marianne and Jonny (of course free of charge), the same goes for all paperwork like letter writing and reports. For those who ask about figures, we can mention that stationary costs – the paper we write on, the toner for the printer, telephone calls, stamps for postage, the envelopes and other stationary – amounts to not more than 3 per cent of the total expenses. But it goes without saying that a certain amount of paper work must be done in order for the organisation to be operational…
- Marianne and Jonny, the only expatriates and responsible for the running of the project, are not paid at all by Maisha Mema, but have their own sponsors in Norway and Switzerland (church, private). There are only Kenyan nationals on the payroll of Maisha Mema.
- Maisha Mema has accounts in Norway and Switzerland in addition to Kenya, making it easy for people to arrange their payments. Sponsors in Norway and England get receipts for money paid to Maisha Mema, usually once or twice a year, while there are other arrangements for the German sponsors through Dr Klaus Richter, and the Swiss sponsors through the MASEMI Verein.
- The Maisha Mema accounts are every year audited by a certified public accountant who is also the economic advisor to the organisation. As a charity minded man, he has also been very generous with us in terms of reduced fees and free advises.
Again, thank you for supporting the children of Kenya through becoming a sponsor, or making a donation! Your contribution will go a long way to help the needy!
Here is how you do it:
- Copy the bulleted section in the list below (higlight, then press „Ctrl + c“)
- Click on the following e-mail-address:
- Paste the copied section (press „Ctrl + v“)
- Fill in the information, and send
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Postal Address:
- Zip-code:
- City / State:
- Country:
- E-mail-address:
- Telephone Number:
- Comment („I want to donate“ … „I want to sponsor a child …“):
- Amount I pledge per month:
- One time donation:
We will then get into contact with you as soon as possible! Thank you very much! If you have any questions, please contact us:
- (Nowegian or English speaking) or
- (German or English speaking)
Maisha Mema Schweiz
3072 Ostermundigen
IBAN: CH68 0900 0000 3016 8657 6
PC-Konto: 30-168657-6
Vermerk: Maisha Mema
Ab 1. Oktober 2022 gelten nur noch die neuen Einzahlungsscheine mit dem QR-Code.
Alle weiteren Informationen, inklusive alle QR Codes findet man hier: Verein Maishamema Schweiz