Jonny Mydland (born
1963) is a Director. He is a theologian, and
worked as a Pastor in the Blue Cross in Stavanger, Norway
for 6 years.
During this period, he engaged in international
work, and was half a year in Kenya as a consultant for
the Norwegian organisation Stromme Foundation. From April
1997, he has lived in Kenya, and Klepp Frikirke in Norway
is the sending congregation. He is married to
Marianne Haldimann Mydland
(born 1966), also a Director. She has her education within sales-
and business administration, and worked in a store
for some time. During the period January 1990 to
June 1995, she was working with Covenant Players,
an international, Christian drama ministry, and was in East Africa for 4 years.
In April 1999,
came to Kenya to work with Jonny, and in June 2000,
they got married. Evangelisches Gemeinschaftswerk
in Ostermundigen, Bern in Switzerland, is the sending
congregation for her. |
today, both Marianne and Jonny work without salary from
the organisation. Personal sponsors and support from the churches
back home contributes to their stay in Nairobi. The project
has no employed accountant, as Marianne and Jonny do this
themselves in order to save money for the organisation
and let even more money go towards the children. The administrative
costs are therefore next to non-existent, and the sponsors
for the children have a guarantee that all the money they
give really benefits the children! We are proud of this
Pål Albro
(born 1962). Social
economist, has worked with different projects in Eastern
Africa. He was a teacher in Norway for 15 years,
but has now dedicated his life to fight against drugs.
He is currently employed as a consultant for Askøy
community in Norway, planning the socio-medical
treatment of young people with drug problems, and
starting work-groups for young drug addicts. He
became involved with Maisha Mema in 2000, and has three
times been taking a Norwegian
drug addicted youth with him to Kenya for 6 months every
2 years. Pål is Maisha Mema's contact person in
the Bergen area of Norway. Several schools now
have Maisha Mema as their solidarity project through
Pål. Together, they constitute a significantly large
part of Maisha Mema'a budget. |
Also, local and foreign volunteers come
to work for shorter or longer periods. They are then mainly
attached to the
Clubhouse in Soweto. In addition,
people from Norway, Switzerland, England and Germany have
come visiting us, and live together with the Maisha Mema
in Doonholm.
We believe in close relations!